<Prologue> (feel free to skip this)
I don't like judging people by classifying whether they are gay, straight or bi. I'm guessing society hates on LGBT just because they themselves just lacks some comfort somewhere (which is everyone's own personal story), and therefore feel superior or better when they can judge (or even hate) on other people.
In fact what a lot of people don't see is, for those people who aren't straight, it might be genetics (which I don't really think so), or that they just met someone in which flaws and imperfection are still a unique attraction to them, or that they have a harsh encounter with some people and decided to live the way they want to.
Either way, what I see in some people who aren't straight is that even though they have been through heart breaking or soul damaging encounters, they still are able to appreciate someone, despite the person's flaws, and have an unconditional affection and care towards them. Even though the other person is of the same gender, even though it's going against society. This kind of affection, is not one that even a straight couple might have. Even though someone is straight, they still might go into a relationship because of money or fame. And that's not something I would support in society.
But that does not mean that I 100% support LGBT. Sadly to say, there are people that decides to go into a homo relationship just because it is "the trend" or some sort. But on the other hand, there are also straight people that are able to appreciate their partner without having the motive for fame or being "trendy".
What I am trying to say is, stop judging people based on their sexuality, but rather their values in committing in a relationship. Straight and gays both have a portion of their people that are just scumbags and there are also the people who are just like your angel. Throw aside those stereotype-ings and see people in a different angle and you will get to understand what it is by being human and being able to love. After all, being understood is what we all crave for as a living person with a beating heart.
Extra note on the people who "gays for attention": I'm not comfortable with people pretending to be someone they are not, just so that they look cool. (It's the same like how I don't like girls that try to act tomboy, posting pictures of them dressing up cool but insert an emotional teenage status as caption. If you are not really into it, don't try acting to get attention. If you are one, you naturally will give out the vibe.)
People somehow relates being a feminism to being a lesbian. Lol okay I don't blame them, in fact it is a pretty direct image, but it is not all that true. Not all feminists are lesbians kay.
Strange story, I was a feminist even before I knew the word exists. Growing up since young, during primary school in fact, I just had to have the luck to see the ugly sides of some guys who are pretty immature. And in the circle of society I was in, majority of the girls are like all about being pretty, into romance tv drama, sitting aside or doing nothing but laughing during sports periods etc. I hated being on the weak side (being an athlete we were always being judged on how strong or weak we are, and so being weak is a sort of sensitive word to me).
So growing up I tend to fend or side for the girls and being against guys. After the senior years in high school and onto college, going into a totally different circle of people, I realized that there are also guys that are pretty amazing and not as immature as those that I've met earlier in my life. There are some guys that really are just brats but there are also some social gentlemen that dares to make the first move. I stopped myself from hating on guys so much. Even though some of them have a terrible attitude, even though some of them treat girls badly (stereotyping), even though some of them are just very very whiny, I should have known earlier that each of them too, has their own story behind their attitude. After all, we all are damaged by the lack of love too.
I was thinking on how guys are also actually human too. Stereotyping people is not what I enjoy (although it is a social norm), but it always brings misunderstandings of people towards me, for uncountable times, and it was not something that I enjoy. Society stereotypes guys as masculine, strong and stuff. What society doesn't know is that this actions are also limiting a guy's freedom to be vulnerable as a human being. I mean yes, guys should project the image that they are strong, but being strong doesn't mean that a guy should hold everything that is hurting him in and act like it is nothing. Because by holding all the hurt in for a long time will eventually make a person collapse emotionally, and the consequences are normally showing out violence, which in turn hurts other people. It all comes down to the over-powering actions of society's stereotyping people.
Being strong is actually not a "guy's thing" but also what girls should be. We are not living in the older eras or a romance novel, girls that are too weak and only depend on other people for help are either a spoiled kid, a teen with her head in the clouds, or an annoying nuisance. Being strong is not all muscles and stuff, it is a very subjective term but it is another story to tell.
All of these pretty much developed my view on how not all gay people are terrible and not all straight people are right (refer to prologue).
But it was until last week where I watched Emma Watson's speech on the "He for She" campaign, which was based on feminism, where girls should stand up in society nowadays, but at the same time also inviting the guys to play their part. [Watch the video here.]
Only then I realized by being such a feminist for all those years, I was one of the people who had developed an "anti-men" attitude subconsciously. (Being able to accepet a number of guy friends that are more mature as bros and buddies, but thinking that the rest are just attention seekers etc.) And that I should've been more mature to be able to realize that I was too, a brat who didn't see the other side of the story, for all those years back then.
"We don't often talk about men being prisoned by gender stereotypes, but I can see that they are. And that when they are free, things will change for women as a natural consequence. If men don't have to be aggresive to be accepted, women don't have to be compelled to be submissive. If men don't have to control, women don't have to be controlled. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong. It is time that we all percieve gender on a spectrum, instead of two sets of opposing ideals."
Emma Watson's UN (United Nations) speech was part of the He for She campaign, in which she invites the guys in society to support gender equality by playing their respective parts. "I want men to take up this mantle. So their daughters, sisters and mothers can be free from prejudice but also so that their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human too--reclaim those parts of themselves they abandoned and in doing so be a more true and complete version of themselves."
<end notes>
In the end I try to appreciate the opposite gender more, but still ho pe that some immature guys to stop being attention seekers or worse.
Sorry to the guys who tried to approach me (I know there are a number, it's pretty obvious just to say), me being anti-guys might have shoved some people off with a cold attitude but just wanted to say that its not your fault.
Don't ask about my sexuality, never really gave deep thought into it, might just go along with the right feelings.
</end notes>