Saturday, February 26, 2011
In my country, there is this kind of activity known as student reporters, where we us, teenagers get to be reporters of our school activities and send it to the papers for publishing. There are selections and interviews. The hard part was the training camp, at first many thought of it as a normal holiday camp, or just a camp training us to interview and write reports, but only in the end did we understand that the camp was to build our love for each other, learn to understand each other and to care for each other. Many shed tears and all, those were last year, December.
2011, a new year to celebrate, and the start of us, the new batch of student reporters to start our jobs. And there were news that one of us had left because of an illness.
It was shocking, I could still remember her face as if it was just yeaterday, we were in the same group during the camp, she was one of the most energetic, out-going and brave girl which would sacrifice herslef for her friends. I admired her during the camp, and I still do.
Life is short, but she did live one which brought happiness to others. YeeLing, thanks for being there.
2011, a new year to celebrate, and the start of us, the new batch of student reporters to start our jobs. And there were news that one of us had left because of an illness.
It was shocking, I could still remember her face as if it was just yeaterday, we were in the same group during the camp, she was one of the most energetic, out-going and brave girl which would sacrifice herslef for her friends. I admired her during the camp, and I still do.
Life is short, but she did live one which brought happiness to others. YeeLing, thanks for being there.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
嗨嗨!我是Aqua Dreamer,可称梦水。
还有什么好说的呢?你慢等,我才不会说出我的三围、体重或体高的!XP 不过我能够告诉你,我不是属于静女一族,放心,也不是lala妹。要得话,可说是宅女,不过不是整天不出街、被社会排拆的那种,只是喜爱日本动漫的那种“宅”,哈哈……

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Sunday, February 20, 2011
Theft Incidents
This is my 1st article about socialogy. I've always find it interesting to study what the people around me are doing, yes, including my closest friends. And I've always wanted to write posts about social science or human nature, this is my 1st, good luck to me.
What is Socialogy or Human Scince? Well, you should check on Wikipedia about this, but if you're lazy, I could briefly explain that it is a kind of study about why people do things and what does it have to do with their charcteristics and something like that.
I'm not a pro, but I like sharing my thoughts.
*The events on my research are based on Malaysian people in the 21st century, in this article, it's upon secondary students.
Theft Incidents.
type: stuff stolen when you're away and the theif is already far away.
If it happened on you:
1.You should not let your anger rage out.
Why? It'll spoil you image in public, if you're alone, just stay away from anything or don't do anything that will bring you harm
2.Even if you have to, keep on holding your temper back, there's no use loosing it in open spaces, including letting bad/ugly words come out of your mouth.
Why? Same reason as above, you may say a little if you want to, but control your urge. Many people don't like to be near with those whom talks a lot of ****ing words and there will be rumours about your attitude. Don't try to destroy things in public so that you will get people's attention and that they will focus on your anger and problems, they won't, in fact they would think that you are crazy and that they should leave you alone for their own good, only your closest and true friends will stay by your side calming you down, by then you should listen to them.
3.Don't go running around the place just to search for that guy who stole your belongings.
Why? The world you live in is not a small place, that guy may be anywhere right now, and he/she will be doing their best to stay away from the place where the theft has happened, or if they are clever enough, they will stay in the place, but in a disguise or change of appearance. Instead, report the theft immedietly to the authorities. Unless you're in a closed place or tight security area, your chances of finding that guy alone is very low.
4.Keep yourslef calm.
Why? That's the only thing you could do at the moment, unless you want to launch a search party immedietly but not many (approximately) will be willing to volunteer unless that theft is occuring recently at that area. Calming yourslef will keep you looking forward to the rest of the day, instead of destroying it. Another thing you can do at the moment is to believe that the thief will be caught and that the area will be back in peace. Believing in things really has their miracles, give it a try.
If it happened on your friends:
1.Don't tell them that what they should do next time.
Why? They've probably learned from the lesson and hope that you would not act like a recording device repeating what they had already just understood. If you want to give some advice, don't give too many, unless it is something out of the blue (ex: insted of saying "you should not put your belongings....", say "hey, I've seen a new object that may hide your valuables in disguise so that it may not be targeted by thieves easily"). You don't wanna make them even mad.
2.If they lost their temper, don't just stand there or stay away from them.
Why? From what I understand, when people loose their temper or get mad about something, it'sbecause that they want others to see/hear/feel what they want to express, and by just watching or staying away thinking that it's best not to get involved, it might hurt them mentally even more. Instead, as his/her friend, we should keep on staying by their side, calming them down or saying things that may lessen their anger and cheering them up, it'll do them some good.
3.If they cry, stay by their side, hear what they have to say and be there for him/her.
Why? Easy, that's what friends are for, right? Although you might feel unwilling to spend your time listening to others when you can surf Facebook for the afternoon, but by being by your friend's side you may even find out that friendship isn't as simple as you think.
If it happened on someone you don't know (you are a passerby etc.) :
1.Leave it to the authorities, if you try to confront him/her, he/she might think of you as another guy who has got his/her screws loose (the first guy is the thief). Unless he/she intends on killing him/herself, you'd better stop it.
Done, hope that it'll be a good guide in life for you and me. Comments are welcome, I want to improve myself, thanks. Have a nice day :)
What is Socialogy or Human Scince? Well, you should check on Wikipedia about this, but if you're lazy, I could briefly explain that it is a kind of study about why people do things and what does it have to do with their charcteristics and something like that.
I'm not a pro, but I like sharing my thoughts.
*The events on my research are based on Malaysian people in the 21st century, in this article, it's upon secondary students.
Theft Incidents.
type: stuff stolen when you're away and the theif is already far away.
If it happened on you:
1.You should not let your anger rage out.
Why? It'll spoil you image in public, if you're alone, just stay away from anything or don't do anything that will bring you harm
2.Even if you have to, keep on holding your temper back, there's no use loosing it in open spaces, including letting bad/ugly words come out of your mouth.
Why? Same reason as above, you may say a little if you want to, but control your urge. Many people don't like to be near with those whom talks a lot of ****ing words and there will be rumours about your attitude. Don't try to destroy things in public so that you will get people's attention and that they will focus on your anger and problems, they won't, in fact they would think that you are crazy and that they should leave you alone for their own good, only your closest and true friends will stay by your side calming you down, by then you should listen to them.
3.Don't go running around the place just to search for that guy who stole your belongings.
Why? The world you live in is not a small place, that guy may be anywhere right now, and he/she will be doing their best to stay away from the place where the theft has happened, or if they are clever enough, they will stay in the place, but in a disguise or change of appearance. Instead, report the theft immedietly to the authorities. Unless you're in a closed place or tight security area, your chances of finding that guy alone is very low.
4.Keep yourslef calm.
Why? That's the only thing you could do at the moment, unless you want to launch a search party immedietly but not many (approximately) will be willing to volunteer unless that theft is occuring recently at that area. Calming yourslef will keep you looking forward to the rest of the day, instead of destroying it. Another thing you can do at the moment is to believe that the thief will be caught and that the area will be back in peace. Believing in things really has their miracles, give it a try.
If it happened on your friends:
1.Don't tell them that what they should do next time.
Why? They've probably learned from the lesson and hope that you would not act like a recording device repeating what they had already just understood. If you want to give some advice, don't give too many, unless it is something out of the blue (ex: insted of saying "you should not put your belongings....", say "hey, I've seen a new object that may hide your valuables in disguise so that it may not be targeted by thieves easily"). You don't wanna make them even mad.
2.If they lost their temper, don't just stand there or stay away from them.
Why? From what I understand, when people loose their temper or get mad about something, it'sbecause that they want others to see/hear/feel what they want to express, and by just watching or staying away thinking that it's best not to get involved, it might hurt them mentally even more. Instead, as his/her friend, we should keep on staying by their side, calming them down or saying things that may lessen their anger and cheering them up, it'll do them some good.
3.If they cry, stay by their side, hear what they have to say and be there for him/her.
Why? Easy, that's what friends are for, right? Although you might feel unwilling to spend your time listening to others when you can surf Facebook for the afternoon, but by being by your friend's side you may even find out that friendship isn't as simple as you think.
If it happened on someone you don't know (you are a passerby etc.) :
1.Leave it to the authorities, if you try to confront him/her, he/she might think of you as another guy who has got his/her screws loose (the first guy is the thief). Unless he/she intends on killing him/herself, you'd better stop it.
Done, hope that it'll be a good guide in life for you and me. Comments are welcome, I want to improve myself, thanks. Have a nice day :)
Aqua Dreamer 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Blowing Flowers
Chinese New Year haven't fully finished so here what I wanna share today.
Last Friday, our school held a 吹梅 (chui mei: blowing plum blossoms) competition to form 4-6 students (teenagers 16-18 years of age). It's the 1st year out school has ever done this, many of the students find it interesting, and it takes up longer time than we thought.

Chui Mei is something like chinese calligraphy, just that we have to add some plum blossoms on the side. This is how our school did it:
1. You drop a drop of ink on a paper with either a straw or your brush.
2. You use the straw to blow the ink into a direction as you please, which forms the main branch.
3. You can blow out sub-branches as you like in the direction as you please too.
4. You apply liquid paper (correction fluid) onto the branches and press it with your fingertips while it's still wet, this will form the plum blossoms.
Below are some pics, enjoy~
Last Friday, our school held a 吹梅 (chui mei: blowing plum blossoms) competition to form 4-6 students (teenagers 16-18 years of age). It's the 1st year out school has ever done this, many of the students find it interesting, and it takes up longer time than we thought.

Chui Mei is something like chinese calligraphy, just that we have to add some plum blossoms on the side. This is how our school did it:
1. You drop a drop of ink on a paper with either a straw or your brush.
2. You use the straw to blow the ink into a direction as you please, which forms the main branch.
3. You can blow out sub-branches as you like in the direction as you please too.
4. You apply liquid paper (correction fluid) onto the branches and press it with your fingertips while it's still wet, this will form the plum blossoms.
Below are some pics, enjoy~
Students doing their best!
My Finished Project~ (comments are welcome)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Jay Chow & The Green Hornet~ fuu~ XDDDDD
Heya! Happy Chinese New Year Everyone (who reads my blog ONLY)!
Well, I’ve just drawn a pic using MS Paint yesterday and its viewable in my previous post so be sure to take a look and comments are welcome. ^^
Enough with the pic, now this is what I wanna write about: Jay Chow & The Green Hornet!
I was and still is a Jay Chow fan, my fav songs of his include 稻香、不能说的秘密、七里香、菊花台 and many more (For those who haven’t heard of these are welcome to copy the titles and search it on Youtube). He’s cool, and his songs (especially those which he expressed a lot of feelings) are surely worth listening to, even more worth it if you understand the meanings. His movies? The best is 不能说的秘密 (Secret, where he shows off his amazing piano skills). Of course, that was before TGH.
Overall, I had a good laugh today watching it at the cinemas today, and it’s Chinese New Year too, woohoo great day! Jay Chow ROCKS! ;D
Happy Chinese New Year
Drawn this yesterday (2nd Feb 2011).
Characters are from the infamous Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, an infamous video game devoloped by Square Enix, a story touching yet sad. What? You haven't heard of it?!?! Man you're out!
Sorry, now let's get back to the good mood, since the story is sad, I've decided to make the characters have a cheery side and drew them (with MS Paint) celebrating Chinese New Year!
comments are welcome
Characters are from the infamous Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, an infamous video game devoloped by Square Enix, a story touching yet sad. What? You haven't heard of it?!?! Man you're out!
Sorry, now let's get back to the good mood, since the story is sad, I've decided to make the characters have a cheery side and drew them (with MS Paint) celebrating Chinese New Year!
comments are welcome
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