Thursday, February 3, 2011

Jay Chow & The Green Hornet~ fuu~ XDDDDD

Heya! Happy Chinese New Year Everyone (who reads my blog ONLY)!
Well, I’ve just drawn a pic using MS Paint yesterday and its viewable in my previous post so be sure to take a look and comments are welcome. ^^
Enough with the pic, now this is what I wanna write about: Jay Chow & The Green Hornet!
I was and still is a Jay Chow fan, my fav songs of his include 稻香、不能说的秘密、七里香、菊花台 and many more (For those who haven’t heard of these are welcome to copy the titles and search it on Youtube). He’s cool, and his songs (especially those which he expressed a lot of feelings) are surely worth listening to, even more worth it if you understand the meanings. His movies?  The best is 不能说的秘密 (Secret, where he shows off his amazing piano skills). Of course, that was before TGH.
The Green Hornet isn’t your typical action movies, it’s more childish & quite fake. But that doesn’t mean that isn’t a movie worth watching. Why like/watch it? 1, Jay is super cool XD; 2, Jay is cooler in the movie; 3, Jay looks like an innocent younger brother in the movie (cute, in some scenes). Enough with my jokes, actually the movie is very humourous, it should be a recommendation to those who just had a bad day. Not only that, it sure has some parts that show us the importance to partnership and to appreciate it.
Overall, I had a good laugh today watching it at the cinemas today, and it’s Chinese New Year too, woohoo great day! Jay Chow ROCKS! ;D

Jay's Official site

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