Sunday, December 15, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
由于头发品质恶劣的关系,我有再次光顾理发店了…💈 唉…
不过九把刀也回了一句说:“但承认吧男生们,你们九成九都是以貌取人!” *赞赞赞赞赞!!!!!*
还有一票是“对不起,我喜欢的…也是女生。” 我觉得这挺可爱的。(废话,你又不是从被拒绝的男生的角度想!)
由于头发品质恶劣的关系,我有再次光顾理发店了…💈 唉…
就是这本啦~ |
不过九把刀也回了一句说:“但承认吧男生们,你们九成九都是以貌取人!” *赞赞赞赞赞!!!!!*
还有一票是“对不起,我喜欢的…也是女生。” 我觉得这挺可爱的。(废话,你又不是从被拒绝的男生的角度想!)
校园里的圣诞树,预祝大家圣诞节快乐~ ^_^ |
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Pssssttt PPSSPP
Why psssttt? Cuz I'm typing this at night.
And for those who doesn't know, PPSSPP is the emulator for PSP which runs on the computer (which allows us to play PSP games on the PC).
Okay, I wrecked my laptop few weeks ago by playing around with the operating system too much. I know I'm no pro at computing, but... *sigh*
So when it came back from repair, I was like, okay let's re-customize stuff around. Then I noticed I don't have any games on the laptop that I enjoy so I wanted to install the PS2 emulator and continue with Tales of the Abyss, (quite time-eating job at installing the plugins) but then when I started running the game, it was so slow!! *OhnnnoohhhhIcan'tplayPS2gamesonmylaptop*
There goes my plan on playing Final Fantasy XII on my laptop down the drain too. I was playing FF XII when my PS2 got spoiled so I was kinda sad on not finishing the story. Then there was another sadder story on me going through Final Fantasy X on the computer at home and I was finishing at least 3/4 of the story and then my dad took the disk drive to format. I didn't have my chance to cry at that game... *sad* (That game was popular as having a touching storyline, fans cried at the ending.)
So might as well install a PSP emulator and play Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. (Yeah I'm quite a Square Enix fan)
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is the prequel to the Kingdom Hearts series. My first game was Kingdom Hearts II, and I fell in love with the story that I went online to know more about the series. And I played the other installments of the series too. Really love the creator behind it.
Cinematic cutscene from Kingdom Hearts II |
Cinematic cutscene from Kingdom Hearts II |
Gameplay cutscene from Kingdom Hearts II |
One of the saddest scenes in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days |
[Years before when the game came out I watched the cutscenes online, and fell in love with Aqua's character. But now I began the game as Terra, and get to realize that I will have love for the other characters too. <3 And yeah they have better controls compared to KH II :P ]
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix official poster |
Some old trailer 3 years ago.
(People may think that gaming is a waste of time, well isn't that direct? In fact, some RPG games have a more interesting storyline than novels or movies do. Plus, strategy gaming is good training for the brain, people just don't see it that way, sadly. Not to say that games are all good, just saying that there are good.)
Oh well.
Didn't went 100% well with IELTS speaking test today, sadly. *grumps*
And I'm actually hoping typing a blog post will help with my essay writing?
Haha, ironic.
What makes a good story is how the story is portrayed to the viewers and how the message reach the viewers.
Many aspiring writers just think that a typical build up of story with beautiful flowery words makes a good novel and publishers actually publish it.
There is something novelists (movie scriptwriters or game script writers maybe) should know, is that instead of creating an easy-to-see-through plot with beautiful adjectives (which seems touching) and getting it publish ASAP, it is important to create a story that makes you proud of, and would not make the readers feel their money had gone down the drain.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Holidays with Evangelion
God's in his heaven. All's right with the world. |
And then somewhere around Thursday or Friday I got my hands on this somehow (pic below)~~~
It reads: Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Q Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo |
Neon Genesis Evangelion is NOT YOUR TYPICAL ANIME, I repeat, NOT.
As the characters and all may seem "oh, Japanese schoolgirl, oh, with a hard past, oh, mechas, meh, normal", but what makes it different is the story plot.
I got to know Eva when the movie Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone came out. So I went to watch the anime series, it was the first anime which involved mechas that I fell so deeply in love with. (And I was quite surprised when my friend told me that AXN used to air the series. Whoa!) The DVD set that I got my hands on is inclusive of the TV series and the first 3 movies Air, Death and Rebirth, and End of Evangelion.
The story is mainly about monster-attack-robots-defend, but I don't like saying it that way. In the story, Angels are the attacking ones (not your typical halo and wings), and biological robot-like-machines (not your typical Gundam or Transformers) called Evangelions are the only ones who can defeat them.
Well, that's the main background, the story involves around the pilots of the Evas, in which are only the chosen children. The main character is Shinji Ikari, the Third Children who pilots Eva Unit 01, which by doing so involves many conflicts between him, his father, connections with his mother (which he doesn't seem to notice). Alongside him is Ayanami Rei, the First Children and Sohryuu Asuka Langley, the Second Children, which have different stories and development. As it is not your typical anime, they really went in deep with the characters.
Plus, the director used many Christianity terms in the story. It wasn't headed towards the direction of religious interpretations though, but it was used beautifully. In fact Hideaki Anno (director) said that had the folks at Gainax (the producing company) known at the time that NGE would gain this kind of popularity outside of Japan, they may have done things differently.
I really do like Rei's blue hair, one of the reasons I watch the anime.
But I love Asuka more, I felt very close to her as her personality is unique. She's strong, pretty, confident and full of pride. Yeah, kinda hot head too.
I also love the idea that their surname are derived from warcrafts. Simply beautiful.
I have the model of Asuka in this pose on my desk xD |
The original TV series didn't end as planned because of the lack of funds for production and the anime wasn't as popular as now. So the last two episodes didn't really gave us viewers an answer. So there was the first 3 movies produced, which also didn't gave us an answer.
Only the movie End of Evangelion continued on, with not a pretty build up of plot. By not pretty I don't mean it's not good (it is in fact, spectacular), it just simply meant the story wasn't headed for a nice ending. (Spoilers: It ended like the end of the world, in which yes, whole humanity wiped out, leaving ..... behind.)
Years after, the production team decided to come out with a series of film The Rebuild of Evangelion, which the first movie was Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone, Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance, Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, and the final one is yet to be released.
So every since I got my hands on the DVD, I went to watch 2.0 as I haven't watch it yet. So it was a movie marathon, watching 2.0 and then 3.0.
movie poster for 2.0 |
2.0 seemed to changed the original plot, plus they add a new pilot into the story, and new Angels.I also grew in love with Rei, she has more feelings here. At the climax of 2.0, it was a decision for the main character to pilot Eva or not, and the plan went according to the protagonist intentions, which causes the Third Impact to begin. The song "Tsubasa o Kudasai" (Give Me Wings, Susan Boyle sang a cover of it in English too, entitled "Wings To Fly" :D ) played at the right time which fits the main character beautifully, plus, the softness of the singing mixing with the chaotic scene makes all the feelings come out. A big thumbs up and thunderclap goes to Studio Gainax. Going through fan views on the net, it seems that I wasn't the only one who cried there. :')
3.0 movie poster |
3.0 wasn't what I expected. Anno changed the setting. Asuka was as stunning and hot head as ever, Rei was totally emotionless. But I enjoyed every moment with Kaworu (the Fifth Children in the original TV series), especially when he played the piano so gracefully. According to his explanation, I somehow got the interpretation that it is similar to the end of the world or judgement day. Sources describe it as it was initiated when the angels got in contact with Adam, and which humans loose their barrier in which is named as AT field and reverting all Lilith based life forms (humans). Mainly life forms fusing with Adam or Lilith, annihilating life forms on earth, and to create something new. But Kaworu stopped the happening of this at 2.0. And in 3.0, the Fourth Impact happened, with a even tragic ending where Asuka leads Shinji and Rei to safety in a midst of destructed red earth.
I love the OST of both the movies, there's intensity and tranquility.
There was this BGM called God's Message and the lyrics are as followed:
From the black of space I will create
earth and in my image incarnate
heaven is to be a place of rest
earth is where the people I will test
Six days have passed
on the seventh I will render myself to a day of rest and to contemplate what is to be
Mankind begins its fateful journey faced by trials and tribulations, war and peace
Of my presence to this end my work is done
this world I give, for you to live
blessed are the ones that can live in peace
earth and in my image incarnate
heaven is to be a place of rest
earth is where the people I will test
Six days have passed
on the seventh I will render myself to a day of rest and to contemplate what is to be
Mankind begins its fateful journey faced by trials and tribulations, war and peace
Of my presence to this end my work is done
this world I give, for you to live
blessed are the ones that can live in peace
And there is this piano piece played in the movie: Quatre Mains
And of course, my favourite singer Utada Hikaru once again sings the ending theme entitled Sakura Nagashi. (literally meaning Cherry Blossoms flowing away) It's a sad song and my favourite verse is
"However great the fear, I will not look away
If at the end of everything, there is love"
Almost everything of Evangelion is beautiful. :)
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Me, myself and some more self reflection
I wish that I could turn back time
'cause now all the guilt is mine
can't live without
the trust from those you love
I know we can't forget the past
we can't forget love and pride
because of that, its killing me inside
--Komm, süsser Tod (German: Come, Sweet Death)
Same topic as my previous post. Different stories....
So there was this Midsummer Masquerade which my college hold annually, and it was held around two weeks ago.
And I was part of the dance club that performed. Well, there are many who said we danced very cool and stuff, but as usual, the performers won't see things from a spectators perspective.
And there is stories behind our performances, training and all...
The girls group and the guys group leader really got mad for some reason. And there are members who say that its because they chase for professionality. Well, I don't know about the guys, but to speak the truth, I don't think our dance can come out professionally when our practices aren't event well managed.
Information weren't passed on to members efficiently, and therefore leaving some members in blurry state, and the members were getting mad at for no reason. Our practices, no serious warm ups, not consistent countings... and many more were so different from my previous trainings, and I don't think we can get anywhere near professional with this state.
Whats worse, punctuality and preparation before the performance was not well managed too.
I know I'm not in any state to be complaining as I didn't take any action to change the current state we're in. Yeah, I was pissed off really early because what I said wasn't taken into account and the song and dances were kept on changing and they didn't think of self choreography but to dance from internet.
So I was damn quiet.
And yeah if I did get mad in front of them, things won't go as nice.... :/
Anyway we got 3rd, well, wasn't so happy, things could have got better. Plus its our former president's last dance with us....
*Seriously this is not the first time where I get pissed off seeing people treat professionality so lightly
My GPA..... aslo damn low.... :(
To a certain you who probably won't be reading this.
I'm sorry I've let you down again. You expected something from me, and again I was afraid to express myself. Especially when I look into your eyes, beautiful they are, and I was lost in the midst of mixed feelings again.
You were trying to get closer to me, but due to recent depressions (I know I shouldn't put the blame on such ridiculous stuff), I was quite cold to you.
Now I wish that I could see you again, and one day, I want to look into your eyes and tell you what I want to say to you, and what you will want to hear from me.
Staying strong, with lots of love. :)
Friday, July 26, 2013
Me Myself & a little Self Reflection
"I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could
live for no one else
But now through all the hurt & pain
It's time for me to respect
the ones you love
mean more than anything"
I wanted to post this along with my last post but I think it's gonna be quite long so...
The lyrics above is from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, oh well that's not the main point right now...
So at first I wanted to say sorry to who ever nominated and voted me to be part of Student Council (SC for short). Sorry that I didn't make it, sorry that I did not prepare a proper speech, and most importantly, I'm sorry that I didn't put in as much effort as I am supposed to.
Not saying that I'm trying to be some drama queen here but these are what I want to say.
I had a camp coming up and as part of the committee I was quite busy, and my driving test was on the same day as the election speech day. I know these aren't excuses for me to neglect other important stuff, but I'm sorry I couldn't cope with it at that moment.
I realize that I was very wrong that when other people have expectations on me, I don't treat it as important as they do because of my own busyness... I'm sorry.
Even some new intakes came up to me and said that "Hey, I voted for you.", "You're the one that gave the speech that day right?", and there was one that I helped out at the photocopying machine, and she said "Thank goodness I voted for you".
Thanks for making me realize how bad I am.
And also for strengthening my belief that not only popular people gets it all. Yeah at first from my perspective, many voting-for-position stuff (except for politics) comes with popularity. But through this experience I started to see things in a different way.
I will change in the future. As I still believe in the happiness of helping and serving my community with what I am able to do.
And thanks for those who nominated me... well, I know some of you who did~ :)
Now it's about my XJ family.
I wasn't really a really good leader during our camp organizing days, I believe that even some are talking behind my back (I mean who doesn't?).
Remembering the first few sessions when I was still social-phobic and I dare not use the photocopying machine at the Sin Chew office (4th floor I remember) when our camp leader had already asked permission to use it. And I delayed our job for a whole session...
Well, that was the first step I took to be more responsible for things.
And then I had to make souvenirs for my team members although I did not attend that camp personally. Haha, sewing their names on an accessory, 11 of them! It made me feel like more than a home when they were happy to receive it. I also got a teruterubozu back from my replacement (he also gave the whole group).
And when I was in the photography and reporting team, I remembered I had a little fight with a team member about music for the slide show, and he was quite unpleasant. I know it was my fault, totally. He even gave out the idea of adding a small video into that slideshow. When my team mentor asked things out, I didn't want to report it, but my mentor said to, so I told him our progressions. I felt so sorry, even in the end it was my team member who came to apologize to me.
And then now in this 30 hour famine camp, he is now my team leader and I am his assistant. I felt so happy that we're friends and still a family. And during camp when I was over tired, he helped out a lot too.
There is more to be a great leader than what I did for my team. There is a lot more to learn, especially from my camp leaders, they're all very observant and knows how to tackle problems.
I remember for our first camp organizing as a family, I was one of the nominees for camp leader because our mentors like my idea of planning a camp during our training periods. But I was quite socially-retarded and lack of critical thinking, so I let my team down...
But I will never forget what being in the XJ family has taught me. <3
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could
live for no one else
But now through all the hurt & pain
It's time for me to respect
the ones you love
mean more than anything"
--Komm, süsser Tod (German: Come, Sweet Death)
I wanted to post this along with my last post but I think it's gonna be quite long so...
The lyrics above is from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, oh well that's not the main point right now...
So at first I wanted to say sorry to who ever nominated and voted me to be part of Student Council (SC for short). Sorry that I didn't make it, sorry that I did not prepare a proper speech, and most importantly, I'm sorry that I didn't put in as much effort as I am supposed to.
Not saying that I'm trying to be some drama queen here but these are what I want to say.
I had a camp coming up and as part of the committee I was quite busy, and my driving test was on the same day as the election speech day. I know these aren't excuses for me to neglect other important stuff, but I'm sorry I couldn't cope with it at that moment.
I realize that I was very wrong that when other people have expectations on me, I don't treat it as important as they do because of my own busyness... I'm sorry.
Even some new intakes came up to me and said that "Hey, I voted for you.", "You're the one that gave the speech that day right?", and there was one that I helped out at the photocopying machine, and she said "Thank goodness I voted for you".
Thanks for making me realize how bad I am.
And also for strengthening my belief that not only popular people gets it all. Yeah at first from my perspective, many voting-for-position stuff (except for politics) comes with popularity. But through this experience I started to see things in a different way.
I will change in the future. As I still believe in the happiness of helping and serving my community with what I am able to do.
And thanks for those who nominated me... well, I know some of you who did~ :)
Thanks for unlocking the feeling that I neglected~ |
Now it's about my XJ family.
I wasn't really a really good leader during our camp organizing days, I believe that even some are talking behind my back (I mean who doesn't?).
Remembering the first few sessions when I was still social-phobic and I dare not use the photocopying machine at the Sin Chew office (4th floor I remember) when our camp leader had already asked permission to use it. And I delayed our job for a whole session...
Well, that was the first step I took to be more responsible for things.
And then I had to make souvenirs for my team members although I did not attend that camp personally. Haha, sewing their names on an accessory, 11 of them! It made me feel like more than a home when they were happy to receive it. I also got a teruterubozu back from my replacement (he also gave the whole group).
And when I was in the photography and reporting team, I remembered I had a little fight with a team member about music for the slide show, and he was quite unpleasant. I know it was my fault, totally. He even gave out the idea of adding a small video into that slideshow. When my team mentor asked things out, I didn't want to report it, but my mentor said to, so I told him our progressions. I felt so sorry, even in the end it was my team member who came to apologize to me.
And then now in this 30 hour famine camp, he is now my team leader and I am his assistant. I felt so happy that we're friends and still a family. And during camp when I was over tired, he helped out a lot too.
There is more to be a great leader than what I did for my team. There is a lot more to learn, especially from my camp leaders, they're all very observant and knows how to tackle problems.
I remember for our first camp organizing as a family, I was one of the nominees for camp leader because our mentors like my idea of planning a camp during our training periods. But I was quite socially-retarded and lack of critical thinking, so I let my team down...
But I will never forget what being in the XJ family has taught me. <3
![]() |
Some of us who turned up that day~ |
to be continued~
Monday, July 22, 2013
I'm 18! + XJ
I'm really really lazy to update my blog it seems so... @@
Okay, so I'll start off with recent events~
July 4th, happy independence day America~ :D And a happy 18th birthday to me~
I remember when I found out when my birthday was a holiday for America when I was young I was like "whoa", but unfortunately I live in Malaysia... T.T
I never expected anything really, 1st time not getting excited for my birthday actually. And there's my class, 1305S3, singing me a birthday song in the physics lab when they heard someone else's got sang in the agora... == + xD *cute class*
Then when I was passing by 1305S2 class (they seemed free), so I wanted to ask Ji Kai something so I called him out from the back door, and the first thing he said is "Eh Happy Birthday~ :D" and someone in class heard it and they started singing another birthday song. with their lecturer Mr Chung in class!! @@ + xD *another cute class*
My housemates also treated me a Secret Recepie cake and I went out for dinner at Subway with Jian Yuan, Min Thee, Brian & new intake + friend Sylvia Chee~
My old classmates asked me out too. It started with my dear Shakey <3 asking me if I want to go out for movie during the weekend. She isn't the out-going type so I thought something fishy was going on. When I asked her "Are you guys...?", she said "no, no it's not what you think~ It's just pure wanna-watch-movie". Okay, so I went and was treated another Secret Recepie cake by Shakey, her sister, Janet, Ost, Javent, Blue Velvet, Eugene, Zheng Fan, we ate at BBQ Plaza and watched Despicable Me 2. In the end while I was texting Shakey, she finally said that it was all in planned..... ==
Next up is Famine 30 DIY Camp by Xue Ji (student reporter) :DDDDD
Ever since I graduated, I've never been much active here at my 25th XJ family. Until this year, Wei Xin, as camp leader, came to ask if I wanted to join the committee (or organiser team/ facie as how they put it in MCKL). And I agreed~
It's that feeling back home two years before, where all our lives were much of organizing camps other than reporting. In total we held three camps, and this is my fourth one~ <3 And all the camps before were 3 days 2 nights/ 4 days 3 nights but this is just 2 days 1 night so it's much more easier.
All the feelings came back as I step into the Sin Chew HQ for the 1st time this year where we usually have our meetings. Meeting all my family members but the difference now is "which college are you studying at?" and some can drive already~ And some are even out station :ooooooo
Before the camp, some of them (which I believe are in the KL region) had met up at Kuen Cheng High School Festival (and I was there because some people in class invited the class), and I joined them walking around (instead of my classmates who were late and bla bla bla ==). It was fun, and I saw my group leader there too, it was like I looked at him and he looked at me and "whoa, what are you doing here!?" xD
Okay, in camp, we as usual, had been the sakai-est people who knows how to have fun here and there. 1st camp without mentors and we can go super crazy~ I remember for the committee introduction rehearsal Ji Kai was dancing some pretty childish moves and Chung Wei was being a total kid. Well, during the real introduction my group leader actually landed a pail on one of our member's head. xD
We can't eat as it is a famine camp. And being the field work team was tired of course, those tables were damn heavy!!! I remember getting dizzy and texted my leader that I was resting, and left my job undone!! When I woke up, he just entered the room and said that my job has been done. QAQ I totally <3 my family!!! Not long after Ji Kai came in saying that the next programme is beginning soon and we have work to do~ *and after our job is done we were taking crazy photos as usual behind the hall*
I like the night games, it's called the Dark World, where we hide the team's facies and shut the lights around that place off, and the campers need to use their candles to search for tips to find their facies back. *Best night game ever!!* *I remember as field work team I had fun turning off the lights xD* But because they were using candles, us field work team has to scrape the fallen wax on the floor after the game ==
Our adviser Kuok Gang also came as a special guest. *It seems that he's a volunteer* I miss the times where he used to make jokes around us. *I also remember he was one of the few people who suddenly said I had lost weight when I was doing the interview for PMR/SPM Chinese workshop two years ago* xD
On the second day, early morning a few of us had to clean the toilet. And while we wait for our bus, we were playing ball, yeah just throwing here and there. At the stadium, we played those games and totally acted as a team and our shouts and cheers overpowered the opposing team xD
During the concert, my favorite was a certain BFF by Geraldine and Zhao Jie Ying, and Zui Qin Ai de Ni by Christine Fan. When BFF was sung, our juniors were doing some kind of moves, guess they had used that song for one of the camps they hold. I started missing those camps we held and the song Hong Qing Ting (Red Dragonfly) was sung, it was the theme song for the 1st camp we held, and we started remembering the moves to that song, although vaguely. That moment, memories came flowing back and it was yeah, beautiful and warm.
Our seniors said that no matter how we tell our friends, they won't truely understand the feeling of a student reporter. Yeah, I've been to many other camps, but they are all far from the moments my XJ family had gave me. XJ 13179 <3
Signing out 1st~
Okay, so I'll start off with recent events~
July 4th, happy independence day America~ :D And a happy 18th birthday to me~
I remember when I found out when my birthday was a holiday for America when I was young I was like "whoa", but unfortunately I live in Malaysia... T.T
I never expected anything really, 1st time not getting excited for my birthday actually. And there's my class, 1305S3, singing me a birthday song in the physics lab when they heard someone else's got sang in the agora... == + xD *cute class*
Then when I was passing by 1305S2 class (they seemed free), so I wanted to ask Ji Kai something so I called him out from the back door, and the first thing he said is "Eh Happy Birthday~ :D" and someone in class heard it and they started singing another birthday song. with their lecturer Mr Chung in class!! @@ + xD *another cute class*
My housemates also treated me a Secret Recepie cake and I went out for dinner at Subway with Jian Yuan, Min Thee, Brian & new intake + friend Sylvia Chee~
My old classmates asked me out too. It started with my dear Shakey <3 asking me if I want to go out for movie during the weekend. She isn't the out-going type so I thought something fishy was going on. When I asked her "Are you guys...?", she said "no, no it's not what you think~ It's just pure wanna-watch-movie". Okay, so I went and was treated another Secret Recepie cake by Shakey, her sister, Janet, Ost, Javent, Blue Velvet, Eugene, Zheng Fan, we ate at BBQ Plaza and watched Despicable Me 2. In the end while I was texting Shakey, she finally said that it was all in planned..... ==
Okay, I'm a very optimistic person, so I'm quite satisfied with my results....
Actually no.... :(
Although it was what I'd expected, my it's not up to my expectations. Gotta work hard.
Every time when I look upon others, I normally will think that "whoa, their results are so good/ whoa, top student/ he damn good leh" etc etc...
Actually I can be like them too, but something is missing that is pushing me to take actions.
I'm lost... :/
Ever since I graduated, I've never been much active here at my 25th XJ family. Until this year, Wei Xin, as camp leader, came to ask if I wanted to join the committee (or organiser team/ facie as how they put it in MCKL). And I agreed~
It's that feeling back home two years before, where all our lives were much of organizing camps other than reporting. In total we held three camps, and this is my fourth one~ <3 And all the camps before were 3 days 2 nights/ 4 days 3 nights but this is just 2 days 1 night so it's much more easier.
All the feelings came back as I step into the Sin Chew HQ for the 1st time this year where we usually have our meetings. Meeting all my family members but the difference now is "which college are you studying at?" and some can drive already~ And some are even out station :ooooooo
Before the camp, some of them (which I believe are in the KL region) had met up at Kuen Cheng High School Festival (and I was there because some people in class invited the class), and I joined them walking around (instead of my classmates who were late and bla bla bla ==). It was fun, and I saw my group leader there too, it was like I looked at him and he looked at me and "whoa, what are you doing here!?" xD
Okay, in camp, we as usual, had been the sakai-est people who knows how to have fun here and there. 1st camp without mentors and we can go super crazy~ I remember for the committee introduction rehearsal Ji Kai was dancing some pretty childish moves and Chung Wei was being a total kid. Well, during the real introduction my group leader actually landed a pail on one of our member's head. xD
We can't eat as it is a famine camp. And being the field work team was tired of course, those tables were damn heavy!!! I remember getting dizzy and texted my leader that I was resting, and left my job undone!! When I woke up, he just entered the room and said that my job has been done. QAQ I totally <3 my family!!! Not long after Ji Kai came in saying that the next programme is beginning soon and we have work to do~ *and after our job is done we were taking crazy photos as usual behind the hall*
I like the night games, it's called the Dark World, where we hide the team's facies and shut the lights around that place off, and the campers need to use their candles to search for tips to find their facies back. *Best night game ever!!* *I remember as field work team I had fun turning off the lights xD* But because they were using candles, us field work team has to scrape the fallen wax on the floor after the game ==
Our adviser Kuok Gang also came as a special guest. *It seems that he's a volunteer* I miss the times where he used to make jokes around us. *I also remember he was one of the few people who suddenly said I had lost weight when I was doing the interview for PMR/SPM Chinese workshop two years ago* xD
On the second day, early morning a few of us had to clean the toilet. And while we wait for our bus, we were playing ball, yeah just throwing here and there. At the stadium, we played those games and totally acted as a team and our shouts and cheers overpowered the opposing team xD
During the concert, my favorite was a certain BFF by Geraldine and Zhao Jie Ying, and Zui Qin Ai de Ni by Christine Fan. When BFF was sung, our juniors were doing some kind of moves, guess they had used that song for one of the camps they hold. I started missing those camps we held and the song Hong Qing Ting (Red Dragonfly) was sung, it was the theme song for the 1st camp we held, and we started remembering the moves to that song, although vaguely. That moment, memories came flowing back and it was yeah, beautiful and warm.
Our seniors said that no matter how we tell our friends, they won't truely understand the feeling of a student reporter. Yeah, I've been to many other camps, but they are all far from the moments my XJ family had gave me. XJ 13179 <3
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My current desktop wallpaper <3 |
I passed my driving test~ :)
Signing out 1st~
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
这次得感激感激瑋昕同届给我参与今年的饥饿30学记自办营的工委团。好想念办营的感觉啊啊啊 T.T
虽然这是个小营,没有以前那种四天三夜的大型筹备,不过工作还是一样重要,虽然轻了多。记得骏业说画场地图没什么用到,大家都是等要设站的时候才拿出来看的。xD 也是啦,因为场地组考察的时候节目组也会跟着去安排跑站,所以我们场地组的功劳只有在营内发挥作用……==

这次得感激感激瑋昕同届给我参与今年的饥饿30学记自办营的工委团。好想念办营的感觉啊啊啊 T.T
虽然这是个小营,没有以前那种四天三夜的大型筹备,不过工作还是一样重要,虽然轻了多。记得骏业说画场地图没什么用到,大家都是等要设站的时候才拿出来看的。xD 也是啦,因为场地组考察的时候节目组也会跟着去安排跑站,所以我们场地组的功劳只有在营内发挥作用……==
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舞台设置 |
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我们几个无聊的找到这个有趣的东西 |
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开幕工委介绍彩排 |
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开幕工委介绍彩排 |
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开幕工委介绍彩排,特别喜欢这个角度 |
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好喜欢出版组的设计 <3 |
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小型会议 |
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迟到的骏业 |
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睡觉前~已经凌晨了…… |
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20号房:工委宿舍 |
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饥饿前最后的一餐 |
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开幕彩排 |
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开幕彩排 |
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真的彩排……骏业把水桶盖上伊晨头上前的一幕@@ |
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大合照 <3 |
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我们在营员后面…… |
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这张还不知道要感谢哪位人士帮忙拍的……== |
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等着游戏开始 |

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站长做做下闲了,然后…… |

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这位就是我们伟大的副秘书,牺牲自己帮大家拍照 <3 他手上拿的就是一个无法出席的工委的名卡 T.T |
由于我头晕了,去休息。却忘了桌椅要安排,虽然说我发了信息通知组长。醒来后有点被吓醒,但是骏业不久后出现说 他收到了我的信息。二楼的桌椅已经搬好了。
我爱我的场地组啊啊啊、伊晨、露宜、明章…… <3
由于表演也要拍桌椅,所以叫基凯预先通知几时要我们去搬。自从骏业回来宿舍休息不久基凯就说要搬桌椅了,感觉我在累坏自己组长那样…… T.T
话说我超喜欢这个冒险游戏的,要我们关灯吓营员,要他们在黑暗的学校找辅导员 xD 还有狼人盗贼的,很刺激~
倒数活动后,吃了免费餐~ 还有开骏业在第一天晚上买的汽水们和大家一起喝。其实有点对不起他,所以付了他十块(半价)。 xD
倒数活动后,吃了免费餐~ 还有开骏业在第一天晚上买的汽水们和大家一起喝。其实有点对不起他,所以付了他十块(半价)。 xD
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场面 |
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最敬佩的音乐家+秘书 |
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会超想念的组长 |
学记一生一起走啊…… <3
倒数后的第一餐~ 由于有多余的,所以我们工委……呵呵呵 |
饥饿30 <3 |
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Dear You, Dear Me
It's late night. Although I'm not crying, but I feel all teary and wet.
The side problem there is, I know I love you, I know I live by your support too. But I don't like how I am to you now.
A while ago I decided not to bother you too much, but ever since you told me your problems about course decision, I couldn't help myself but to stick myself so much into your problems.
It's mainly because of myself, I know I'm selfish, and you should know too, I'm jealous of you.
Why do I always fall in love with someone who I am jealous with?
You can choose between which two choices you like. But your interest is to one side, but you don't wish to loose the other too. Yet you procrastinate upon your decision even though many others have gave you a lot of advice.
To be honest, yes I am sinful, I am jealous. I don't totally hope that you can get your dream course.
Because you act like it's nothing big deal and can even say something like "let the heaven decide". If that is your decision then why bother asking in the first place?
Didn't it ever crossed your mind that there are other people on the other side of your area who can't even get the chance to really do what they want?
Did it ever crossed your mind that people with materialistic parents can't really fulfill their dreams because of materialistic?
Didn't it ever cross your mind that others are not as lucky as you who have people who is willing to listen to their problems?
Don't you ever know that I am afraid that one day I may loose the feeling of doing what I love, that I may loose the memory of how I enjoyed or why I enjoyed it, that I may never have the time and chance for all I wanted?
Yes, you are naive. And I, disgustingly, hatefully, love you that I somehow wish to see you doing what you want in the future.
I don't why so, but hatefully, that is it.
And the main problem is that...
I didn't get good results enough to satisfy you, I'm sorry. But I also let myself down, and this is what is hidden from you.
Just because I was top of the class when I was young, why does it have to mean that I have to pursue a science-based career?
Just because the field of medicine, doctor, pharmacy etc etc has a more stable income?
Have you ever heard of the word materialistic? Or is society around you too emphasize on status and income that had blinded you from other aspects of life?
I listened to you because I don't hate being a doctor etc anyway.
But since it's not my real hobby, can you don't keep on pushing me to fill my almost 24 hours with these stuff that I cannot enjoy what I really like?
Can you stop expecting flying colours from me when I don't even have the passion or had put in the hard work as others do?
Why does every conversation between us have to be about these stuff? I stay out in KL now, we don't talk much, but why? Every conversation?!
Because of some limitations, I can't do many things that I love. Standing in the crowd and looking at someone else (which is also my friend and which I don't hate) gets the spotlight which I've always wanted. That is how the way things were. And now, all of them are pursuing what they want, but look at me! Why must I act like a brilliant smart student but actually suffering? Plus the suffering isn't coming from the homework, but it's directly from you!
For years now, many of the stuff I love has been limited by you. Isn't that enough?
I don't hate my course. I just love something better, but I am where I am now just not to dissapoint you. So please stop pushing me too bizzare?
I like what I am studying, that's why I do my revision and all. But even so, you still choose to be blind to it.
What's wrong with having more faith?
The society isn't as expected in novels or movies where people tend to care for you without their benefit.
So even if I'm in all these stress, I have no where to release it, which in the end ends up to me uncontrollably disturbing my friends. Please, I don't want this to continue.
I know you wouldn't be seeing this, but pray whatever it is for the best.
There is love, so please, let me love myself more once again.
The side problem there is, I know I love you, I know I live by your support too. But I don't like how I am to you now.
A while ago I decided not to bother you too much, but ever since you told me your problems about course decision, I couldn't help myself but to stick myself so much into your problems.
It's mainly because of myself, I know I'm selfish, and you should know too, I'm jealous of you.
Why do I always fall in love with someone who I am jealous with?
You can choose between which two choices you like. But your interest is to one side, but you don't wish to loose the other too. Yet you procrastinate upon your decision even though many others have gave you a lot of advice.
To be honest, yes I am sinful, I am jealous. I don't totally hope that you can get your dream course.
Because you act like it's nothing big deal and can even say something like "let the heaven decide". If that is your decision then why bother asking in the first place?
Didn't it ever crossed your mind that there are other people on the other side of your area who can't even get the chance to really do what they want?
Did it ever crossed your mind that people with materialistic parents can't really fulfill their dreams because of materialistic?
Didn't it ever cross your mind that others are not as lucky as you who have people who is willing to listen to their problems?
Don't you ever know that I am afraid that one day I may loose the feeling of doing what I love, that I may loose the memory of how I enjoyed or why I enjoyed it, that I may never have the time and chance for all I wanted?
Yes, you are naive. And I, disgustingly, hatefully, love you that I somehow wish to see you doing what you want in the future.
I don't why so, but hatefully, that is it.
And the main problem is that...
I didn't get good results enough to satisfy you, I'm sorry. But I also let myself down, and this is what is hidden from you.
Just because I was top of the class when I was young, why does it have to mean that I have to pursue a science-based career?
Just because the field of medicine, doctor, pharmacy etc etc has a more stable income?
Have you ever heard of the word materialistic? Or is society around you too emphasize on status and income that had blinded you from other aspects of life?
I listened to you because I don't hate being a doctor etc anyway.
But since it's not my real hobby, can you don't keep on pushing me to fill my almost 24 hours with these stuff that I cannot enjoy what I really like?
Can you stop expecting flying colours from me when I don't even have the passion or had put in the hard work as others do?
Why does every conversation between us have to be about these stuff? I stay out in KL now, we don't talk much, but why? Every conversation?!
Because of some limitations, I can't do many things that I love. Standing in the crowd and looking at someone else (which is also my friend and which I don't hate) gets the spotlight which I've always wanted. That is how the way things were. And now, all of them are pursuing what they want, but look at me! Why must I act like a brilliant smart student but actually suffering? Plus the suffering isn't coming from the homework, but it's directly from you!
For years now, many of the stuff I love has been limited by you. Isn't that enough?
I don't hate my course. I just love something better, but I am where I am now just not to dissapoint you. So please stop pushing me too bizzare?
I like what I am studying, that's why I do my revision and all. But even so, you still choose to be blind to it.
What's wrong with having more faith?
The society isn't as expected in novels or movies where people tend to care for you without their benefit.
So even if I'm in all these stress, I have no where to release it, which in the end ends up to me uncontrollably disturbing my friends. Please, I don't want this to continue.
I know you wouldn't be seeing this, but pray whatever it is for the best.
There is love, so please, let me love myself more once again.
你仍然有机会追寻你的一片天空,做自己喜欢做的事,那为何因一方 面的执着而犹豫不决?
虽然处于完全不同的状态,可是也不得不承认,世上的另一个角落, 仍然有想追也追不了梦想的人。想去追,但因为很多因素而被限制了 发展、机会,最后被逼走上一个不是自己喜欢的路。
好知不知,当连碰触都没有的一天来临了,再也回忆不起当初所爱的 事物的感觉、热振已是双手无法达到的地步时,人却要在物质化的社 会下生存……那还有意义吗?
而且,在这个现实化的世界里,有谁会来关心身边的人的问题?一切 都堆积于自己身上吧?面子书状态……部落格……
我不受大家欢迎……为什么我合不来……我功课不好……大家成绩都 那么好……可恶,你在做什么,害到我这样那样……为何你要对我这 样那样……为什么你要XYXY弄到我YZYZ……
为何不想想……为什么我不主动?为什么我不积极?为什么我不采取 行动?为什么我怕?要怎么才会不怕?
之后,社会可能就会有……身边的你,不要烦,有什么问题我来帮你 ,一起承担……不要这样,继续加油,我给你加油,我相信你做得到 ……
这样继续下去,一直到生命的尽头……你知道你活过了什么吗?你有 为别人造福吗?你有给你自己爱吗?
Saturday, April 6, 2013
如今,我已经是个college生了。就读 Methodist College Kuala Lumpur.
如今,我已经是个college生了。就读 Methodist College Kuala Lumpur.
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